有限会社まどシステム MaDow Systems,Inc.

 Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), checking and recording blood Glucose level by your self, is key tool to control blood sugar level and keep people with diabetes healthy. However, blood glucose level is mealy tell you how you are right now.

You have to resolve brain-exhausting puzzle to keep blood glucose level good more than tree times every day. Which menu items do I choose at a restaurant? Can I take a walk after lunch, if not how much can I eat? Today is active day or relax day, which could affect response of your blood glucose to carbohydrates you are going to take

A log of blood glucose level along with activity level and the other measure that can be taken by mobile phone such as iPhone and wearable devices such as Apple Watch is your PERSONAL BIG DATA. We believe those data must be used for your daily life

Our app’s goal is to make your dietary life richer than ever at the same time your blood sugar control better.